Tires All Set for Decorative Usage
Welcome all you creative people!You might also like: Noticeable Cool Wool Ideas for the Fall
Oh my, I had never ever thought of using tyres for my indoor or outdoor decoration but I guess it’s time to change my thinking. I am sure your hands will start craving for trying these ideas…mine has already started
I don’t have much to say today…all I can do is just let the images speak for themselves. And yes, it’s not a rocket science to make any of these objects, just have some patience and am there to guide you.
Let me first share some images with you and then explain the making of these. Here we go…
ottoman chairs made of tyres
painted in pop orange
ottoman chairs made of tyres
{To make it short and easy to understand let explain the steps in short. All you need to do is; get two ply-woods of the same size of the base of the tire and drill holes to fix the plywood to the tires with bolts. And finally, you can add foam/sponge for making cushion and a piece of cloth to cover it up. In fact you can paint the tires from outside to give it a funky look, that’s it!
Remember my mummy bottle here, you have to glue the rope just like that.
You can skip to fix the legs as show in the table below and use it as a floor seat as well, but do not forget to add at least two coats of sealer for the comfort of the people sitting on it. Else, you can imagine your friends scratching their back because of the spiked rope.
tyre stool with rope
Do read: Colorful and Stylish Sofa Designs
Yay…just bump on it! Don’t you think it looks better than a floor cushion or the commonest bean bag? I just love it!
tube seat
table made of tire
Do refer: Graceful Hammocks and Swings You Must Have
diy swing for kids
Read: Portico Designs: Where You Can Add Different Decor Elements
The image below belongs to the same post but it was made by my very own friend Vidhi Shankar, I had already introduced her to you all and you can see her creative stuffs here, here and here.
Now the most interesting part of this post begins, as you refer to the images below you’ll find some really cool ideas to use the tyres as planters in case you do not want to try the tougher job of making chairs and tables.
cute garden decor
sea-saw kids
colorful planter outdoor decor
tyre planter
And finally the pathways. Yes, I shared a post pathways but this one has my heart. I mean, I think I’ll have to contact some drivers and garages to drop their waste tyres to my address.
I hope the above ideas have inspired you enough. That’s all for today!
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