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3 D Paper Flower for Winters

3 D Paper Flower for Winters

Hola people! How have you all been…is there anything special you did on 11-12-13? Well, I don’t know why was there so much of buzz around but finally, I thought even I should do something special and I DIY’ed snowflakes paper hanging! ;)
Anyways, it’s Friday today and after so many weeks, am here with my #Fundoo 3D flower power. Well, actually it’s a snowflake but I would love to call it a diamond hanging because of its lovely cut and shape that looks like a diamond, do you feel the same?
BTW, did you see my fake Dahlia?
I try to diy such crafts which are easy to make and can be tried & tested even by the beginners, just like the paper doily candle holder I made earlier. So here I am with this new twisty, curly and gorgeous looking hanging.
Hope you enjoy reading this post and try making it. For any kind of assistance am there for you. So let’s begin with the fun!!! :D

Take a Quick Look! :-o

Purple Snowflakes
Details about today’s diy:
Total Cost: Under Rs. 50/ -
Total Time Taken: 1 hour approx.
Is it Difficult: Not at all!
Equipment: Chart paper, glue
Availability of the materials: Easily available. No hi-fi materials.

Stuffs You’ll Need

Gather few things, namely:

Chart Paper
A pair of scissor
Thread for hanging

Get Down to Steps

Step 1.

Take a chart paper of your favorite color and cut six square pieces of equal size. Measurement of my square pieces are 4 by 4 inches for the small flower and 5 by 5 inches for slightly bigger one. Yeah, I crafted two 3D flowers! :)
Now, fold the paper diagonally meeting the ends. Follow the triangle and with the help of a scissor make slits as shown. ( do not cut till the ends, we don’t have to separate the pieces). I marked & cut 3 slits with a minimum gap of 1 cm between each slit.
Finally, unfold the triangle and join the two ends of the inner most cut as shown in the image below with the help of glue.

Fold & Make Slits

Step 2.

Done with the inner most part? Now turn the diamond backside and take the next layer by overlapping the ends of the strips and staple it. Forming a tube right opposite to the inner most tube. (for reference see the image below).

Join the Corners
Again, flip it and repeat the same with the next layer. This is how it looks:

Folding the paper
Similarly, fold rest of the five petals of the diamond flower, so in total it goes to 6 pieces.
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Step 3.

Form a pattern, see if looks okay to you. Well, it looks perfectly fine to me. Happy me! :)

Form a pattern

Step 4.

Moving ahead, join the three petals together with the help of a glue or stapler and repeat the same with the other three.

Join the three pieces

Step 5. & Done!

Finally, join both the trios we made in the step 4 and yes, do connect the pieces at their arms as well. If you wish to use it as a wall hanging or a Christmas decor, tie a thread to it from the center part and voila! This is the final look!

It's ready! :)

Tie a thread

Diamond Snowflakes

Under the red light

3 D flower hanging
Well, there are few more ideas that you can use for decorating your home with these snowflake hangings, here it goes:
1. Make a garland of few smaller snowflakes and hang it on your wall or beside your curtains.
2. Decorate your window with a bunch of smaller and bigger diamonds.
3. Us it as a Christmas ornament for your Christmas tree or
Do read: What Ornaments are You Going to Use This Christmas: Wreath and Tree
4. Just use it for decorating corners or your center of the walls as I did!
Whoa! You have got so many things to do with it….so which one are you going to try for your space?
Did you find this one as an “aha post” for you? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comment box below. And yes, if you like it, show us some love and share it with your friends on Facebook, g+, Twitter, Pinterest etc… or just try it and send a picture to me   Cheers! :)
All the images above are taken by me. Please be kind to link back/credit if you use it. Thanks! :)


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